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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Some Myths and Realities of Managed Web Hosting

It is sure that the managed web hosting is right choice but, when the costumer begain to evaluating the managed-hosting provider then they get carried away by their enthusiasm and the myths begins to supress the reality. So to prevent the illusion and dissapointment here are some myths of managed web hosting.

Myth 1:Managed web hosting is always more expensive then the other hostings.

Myth 2:Managed web hosting offers completely "hands off " service.

Myth 3:Managed web hosting provider provides limited software choices.

Myth 4:Managed web hosing saves my web source from the virus and other attacks.

Myth 5:Managed web hosting providers me service all time without any intrruption.

Myth 6:Managed web hosting provider keeps my data safe and secure.

Myth 7:Only newbies need managed web hosting.

Reality 1: It is true the managed web hosting costs more in first then other type of hosting but as for the long term managed web hosting is less expensive. On the evalution for all resouce, time saved and lower staff costs, managed web hosting is much cheaper then other hosting services.

Reality 2: A fully managed web hosting company certainly provides a much higher degree of automation then the service provided by the basic dedicated web hosting provider. But services levels vary greatly between managed providers and even within a particular vendor's pricing tiers. Although in the highest service levels, customers will usually be expected to provide their own content, site design and various other none essential tasks.

Reality 3:Yes, it is all most true the managed web hosting provider provides you less software choices.Unless your business has some very exotic software needs, though, it's is easy to find the managed web hosting provider that offers an acceptable selection of software choices.

Reality 4:Although the managed web hosting provider try its best to make your server and software safe from virus and other attacks but there is the possibility that your provider and your web resource will get struck down.

Reality 5:Although many managed web hosting providers promise you to provide continious service but due to the various reasons sometime service is unavailable for many hours or even days at a time. To recoup lost from such event you must go to lawsuit.

Reality 6:This is true,but if you go deep and read the hosting contract's fine print,you will probably discover that the provider is not legally obligared to protect your data under all conditions.Different accidents can make your data lost so you are suggested to keep back up in any other or more local sites.

Reality 7:Managed web hosting is not only for the technologically inexperienced but for a comapany with a staff that's highly skilled in web technologies may want to use managed hosting provider to take advantage of the various associated services and cost benefits.a


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